GRASP-IT - Browseable Knowledge, Easy to Grasp  
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How do you use Grasp-It?

There are three ways to use Grasp-It:

  1. Use the filters
    As we have sorted the facts, opinions and assumptions for you and linked them up, you can easily find what you are most interested in. Start with facts if you want to know about the fundamentals of a topic, or zoom straight in on some disputed opinions if you want to know what the current debate is about. Or perhaps look first at assumptions to see where the knowledge gaps are and if you want some answers to "What if?" questions. Another good starting point is what we call the “Key Statements”. Regardless of whether they are facts, opinions or assumptions, they are the propositions that have the highest number of links to other statements, so they are central to the topic. Of course, you can also just randomly walk from one statement to another following the links between them.

  2. Browse your own way
    Grasp-It is a semantic network of facts, opinions and assumptions on a certain topic. In contrast to classical forms of delivering such content – eg, books, magazine articles, speeches – there is no beginning or end with Grasp-It. You can work your own way through it in any order and explore, following the links from one statement to another. Experience browsable knowledge!

  3. Use the search function
    You want to find any kind of statement that contains a particular word or term you are especially interested in. The search function will find it for you in no time.

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